讲座主题:Single-atom catalysts for catalytic reactions: structure and functional issues
邀 请 人 :赖 波 教授
讲座内容:Single atom catalysts (SACs) are currently believed to be excellent materials for various catalytic reactions, for their maximum use of the active site. Thus, the highest performance efficiency will be expected at the maximum single atom loading. However, single atom loaded on supports will affect the intrinsic structure and properties of catalysts. In this seminar, I will present my recent work on intrinsic correlation between SAC structure and catalysis in several reaction systems, focusing on the fundamental understandings of structure-catalysis correlation in SACs.
主讲人简介:王少彬,澳大利亚阿德莱德大学化学工程学院教授及澳大利亚桂冠教授。1998年获澳大利亚昆士兰大学博士学位。曾被澳大利亚科廷大学授予John-Curtin杰出教授等称号。主要研究领域和方向为纳米材料研制及在环境和能源转化上的应用。2016-2022先后入选科睿唯安工程、化学、环境和生态学领域全球高被引学者。现担任Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy、Chemical Engineering Journal Advances副主编、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science联合编辑和Journal of Hazardous Materials等多个国际学术期刊编委。