
唐 亚

来源: | 发布时间:2006年06月12日 16:06 | 点击:








2003年以来主持或参与的科研项目】1. 椴树科广义蚬木属的系统学研究2004. 国家自然科学基金。主持人2. 马先蒿属植物及其传粉昆虫的比较地理学研究2004. 国家自然科学基金。主持人3. 横断山区干旱河谷变化趋势及可持续发展2003. 国家

.  2003-2005. 教育部振兴计划。主持人5. 环境变化对果树传粉昆虫多样性的影响研究。FAO和国际山地综合发展中心项目。主持人。6. 四川邛崃、大邑地区植物多样性调查。

Investigation on sources of  materials flows in Qionglai, Sichuan. 2004.IfaS. 主持人8. 干旱河谷可持续发展战略研究。2005


5个科的编著。2006。国家自然科学国际合作基金重大项目的内容。独立承担。11. 青藏铁路的社会经济和自然影响。

2005年。与美国哈佛大学合作项目。主持人13. 四川熊蜂多样性与环境关系研究。

――生物多样性和环境对全球变化的响应。2006。中国科学院方向性项目和国家科技部项目专题。主要参加人员。15. 锦葵目火绳树属的系统发育和分类学研究。2008.国家自然科学基金。主持人。16. 贡嘎山冰川退化迹地土壤演化研究。


2006-2007。中国科学院院士咨询项目。主要参加人员。19. 珠峰北坡生物适应性研究。2009青藏高原环境变化及其对全球变化的响应与适应对策


2007-2009。新葡萄8883官网AMG、九寨沟管理局和美国加州大学合作项目。主持人。22. 九寨沟湿地的结构与功能。

小流域泥沙综合治理技术与示范2006-2010。科技部支撑项目专题。主持人。24. 茅台酒原产地生态环境研究。

2007。比利时富兰克林基金会。主持人。26. 四川大风顶地区原始植物集中分布调查。


2007-2008。四川省宁南县科技局。主持人。29. 四川2007。瑞士国家基金会项目。主持人。30. 山地资源工程与生态安全。

2007-2009。四川省科技厅富民强县项目。主持人。32. 四川嘛咪泽保护区凹叶木兰繁殖生物学及天然繁殖研究。

2008。主持人。34. 四川五小叶槭野外现状调查。



2008-2009。四川蜀水公司委托项目。主持人。39. 旅游区栈道的环境影响及健康风险。促进与美大地区科研合作与高层次人才培养项目

2010。比利时富兰克林基金会。主持人。41. 土壤重金属污染快速检测及空间风险评价研究。

2010-2012。科技部国际合作项目。主持人。43. 湿地动植物鉴定分析与植物苗木培育。

2011。中科院武汉植物园委托项目。主持人。45. 茅台酒功能保护区种质资源研究。-茅台联合基金。

2011。教育部“促进与美大地区科研合作与高层次人才培养项目”。主持人。47. 生态建设与保护工程对区域气候变化适应能力的影响及对策。973子课题。主持人48. 五粮液老窖池群生态环境优化研究。

1. Xue Qiao, Weiyang Xiao,  Daniel Jaffe, Sri H Kota, Qi Ying, Ya Tang*. 2015. Atmospheric wet deposition  of sulfur and nitrogen in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan  Province, China. Science of the Total Environment, 511:28-36

2. Ya Tang, Wei Gao, Xiuli  Wang, Shiming Ding, Taicheng An, Weiyang Xiao, Ming H. Wong, Chaosheng Zhang.  2015. Variation of arsenic concentration on surfaces of in-service  CCA-treated wood planks in a park and its influencing field factors.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI 10.1007/s10661-014-4214-7

3. Ya Tang, Carla Bossard,  Jacob Reidhead. Effects of percent cover of Japanese cedar in forests on  slope slides in Sichuan, China. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 74:42-47

4. Xue Qiao, Amanda H.  Schmidt, Ya Tang*, Yuhui Xu, Chaosheng Zhang. 2014. Demonstrating urban  pollution using toxic metals of road dust and roadside soil in Chengdu,  southwestern China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,  28:911-919

5. Chunyan Li, Ya Tang*, Han  Luo, Baofeng Di, Liyun Zhang. 2013. Farmers’ perceptions of and adaptive  strategies to climate change: A case study from the Middle Yarlung Zangbo  River Valley, Tibet, China. Environmental Management, 52:894-906

6. Yong Gu, Jie Du, Ya Tang*,  Xue Qiao, Guiping Deng. 2013. Challenges for sustainable tourism at the  Jiuzhaigou World Natural Heritage site in western China. Natural Resources  Forum, 37 (2): 103-112

7. Gao Linan, Tang Ya*, Carla  Bossard, Wang Yan, Han Zhiguo. 2011. Diurnal variation in relative  photosynthetic performance of marestail (Hippuris  vulgaris Linn.) across a water temperature gradient using PAM fluorometry  in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China. Journal of  Mountain Science, 8: 794–807

8. Zhang Liyun, Roy  Turkington, Tang Ya*. 2010. Flowering and fruiting phenology of 24 plant  species on the north slope of Mt. Qomolangma (Mt. Everest). Journal of  Mountain Scienc,e 7:45-54

9. Tang Ya, Xie Jiasui, Shu  Geng. 2010. Marginal land-based biomass production in China. Journal of  Integrative Biology, 52:112-121

10. Wang Jing, Tang Ya*, Zhenghua Xie, Mianyue Zhang. 2009. Autecology and  conservation status of Magnolia sargentiana Rehder & Wilson  (Magnoliaceae) in the Dafengding region, southern Sichuan Province, China.  Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 47:525-534

11. Tang Ya, Gao Hui, Xie Jia-sui. 2009. An embryological study of Eriolaena  candollei (Malvaceae) and its systematic implications. Flora, 204:569-580

12. Wu Yang, Tang Ya*, Huang Chengmin.2009. Harvesting  of rainwater and brooklets water to increase mountain agricultural  productivity: a case study from a dry valley of southwestern China. Natural  Resources Forum, 33:39-48

13. Lu Li, Tang Ya*, Xie Jia-sui, Yuan Yuan-liang.  2009. The role of marginal agricultural  land-based mulberry plantation in biomass energy production. Renewable Energy,  34:1789–1794

14. He Lei, Tang Ya*. 2008. Soil development along primary succession sequences on moraines of  Hailuogou Glacier, Gongga Mountain, Sichuan, China. Catena, 72: 259–269.

15. Tang Ya, Xie Jiasui, Sun Hui. 2007. Pollination ecology of Pedicularis  muscoides H. L. Li subsp. himalayca Yamazaki from alpine western Sichuan, China. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 39: 481-487

16. Tang Ya, Xie Jiasui, Sun Hui. 2007. The pollination  ecology of Pedicularis rex subsp.lipskyana and P. rex (Orobanchaceae) from  Sichuan, Southwestern China. Flora 202: 209-217

17. Tang Ya, Gao Hui, Wang Chun-ming & Chen Jianzhong. 2006.  Microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis of Excentrodendron hsienmu (W. Y.  Chun & F. C. How) H. T. Chang & R. H. Miau (Malvaceae sensu lato) and their systematic implications.  Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 150 (4): 447-457

18. Tang Ya, Xie Jia-sui. 2006.  A pollination ecology study of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) in a subalpine to alpine area of Northwest Sichuan, China.  Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 38: 446-453

19. Tang Ya, Mao Long-hua & Gao Hui. 2005. Over-exploitation and lack of effective protection is leading to a  decline in the population of a protected calcicolous tree species Excentrodendron  hsienmu (Tiliaceae). Biological  Conservation, 126: 14–23

20. Tang  Ya, Zhang Yan-zhou, Xie Jia-sui, Sun Hui. 2003. Incorporation of Mulberry in  Contour Hedgerows to Increase Overall Benefits: A Case Study from Ningnan  County, Sichuan Province, China. Agricultural Systems, 76(2): 775-785

Journal  of Systematics and Evolution (SCI): Associate Editor (2008-2013)

Journal  of Mountain Science (SCI): Science editor; member of editorial board (2004-)


应用与环境生物学报 主编(2002-2004)、副主编(1995-2001)、编委(2005-2009)





