1、Kexin Zhou, Xing-peng Liu, Hongyun Guo,Hui-qiang Li*, Ping Yang, CoAl-LDHs@Fe3O4 decorated with cobalt nanowires and cobalt nanoparticles for a heterogeneous electro-Fenton process to degrade 1-hydroxyethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid and glyphosate, RSC Advance, 2022, 12: 2623.
2、Qiaohan Li,Hui-qiang Li*, Qian Rao, Ping Yang, MgAl-LDH@Fe3O4 based heterogeneous electro-Fenton process for the concentrated liquor of gas field wastewater treatment: Optimization, mechanism, and stability, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9: 106407.
3、Wei Liao, Di Bao,Hui-qiang Li*, Ping Yang, Cu(II) and Cd(II) removal from aqueous solution with LDH@GO-NH2 and LDH@GO-SH: kinetics and probable mechanism, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2021,28:65848–65861.
4、Wei Liao, He Wang,Hui-qiang Li*, Ping Yang, Fe(II) Removal from Aqueous Solution by Layered Double Hydroxide/Graphene Composites: Adsorption Coupled with Surface Oxidation, Environmental Engineering Science, 2020, 37: 43-52.
5、Wei Liao, He Wang, Qin Cai, Ping Yang,Hui-qiang Li*,Enhanced Cu(II) Removal Performance and Mechanisms on Fe(II)-Modified LDH-GO Composites,Environmental Engineering Science, 2020, 37: 746-756.
6、Di Bao, He Wang, Wei Liao,Hui-qiang Li*,Multi-Metal Modified Layered Double Hydroxides for Cr(VI) and Fluoride Ion Adsorption in Single and Competitive Systems: Experimental and Mechanism Studies,Environmental Engineering Science, 2020, 37: 623-636.
7、Wei Liao, Xing-peng Liu,Hui-qiang Li*, Ping Yang,Simultaneous Removal of Phosphate and Nitrate on Calcined Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies,2020, 29: 187-195.
8、Wei Liao, He Wang,Hui-qiang Li*, Ping Yang,Cd(II) removal by Fe(II) surface chemically modified layered double hydroxide–graphene oxide: Performance and mechanism, RSC Advances, 2019, 9: 38982.
9、Yan Wang,Hui-qiang Li*, Li-ming Ren,Organic matter removal from mother liquor of gas field wastewater by electroFenton process with the addition of H2O2: Effect of initial pH, Royal Society Open Science,2019, 6: 191304.
11、Yan-qin Gu, Ting-ting Li,Hui-qiang Li*, Biofilm formation monitored by confocal laser scanning microscopy during startup of MBBR operated under different intermittent aeration modes, Process Biochemistry, 2018, 74: 132-140.
12、Ling Wang,Hui-qiang Li*, Hong-jun Han, Shortcut biological nitrogen removal from coal gasification wastewater in three-stage MBBRs, Water Environment Research, 2018, 90: 1977-1984.
13、Li-ming Ren,Hui-qiang Li*, Yan Wang, Treatment of high strength methyl orange wastewater by electrocoagulation with periodic reversal of electrodes: Effect of voltage variation, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2018, 135: 258-267.
14、Wei Liao,Hui-qiang Li*, Ping Yang, Adsorption of low-level phosphate by Mg-Al layered double hydroxides and its competitive interaction with carbonate, sulfate, and chloride ion, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2018, 118: 249-257.
15、Yizhou Tu, Xingpeng Liu,Hui-qiang Li*, Ping Yang, Biological treatment of fracturing waste liquid in a membrane-coupled internal circulation aerobic biological fluidized bed with the assistance of coagulation, Environmental Technology, 2017, 38: 3074-3083.
16、Yu-Mei Zhang,Hui-qiang Li*, Tolerance and recovery ability of moving bed biofilm reactor to phenol and cresol shock load under vary dissolved oxygen, Fresenius Envionmental Bullet, 2017, 26: 4268-4276.
17、Ping Yang,Tingting Chen,Hui-qiang Li*,Aerobic granular sludge stabilization in bio-cathode chamber of newly constructed continue flow microbial fuel cell system treating synthetic and pharmaceutical wastewater, Desalination and Water Treatment,2016, 57: 3414-3423.
18、Hui-qiang Li*, Hong-jun Han, Nitrite accumulation performance of aerobic MBBR treating Lurgi coal gasification waste water by adjusting pollutant load and DO concentration, Environmental Technology, 2015, 36 (24): 3210-3220.